Food ingredients / additives

Oleoresins and essential oils – obtained from herbs and spices by extraction. These ingredients
are more convenient and economy effective than natural spices.

Dried vegetables and powders – are natural products which are convenient and healthy to use
as an ingredient in meat, fish and other products. Dried vegetables can be used to prepare any
food, sauces and marinades.
In our portfolio you can find any granulation for your needs.

Salt – we bring to your attention the purest food salt of high European quality, extra and

Sunflower oil – is a vegetable product obtained from oilseeds (sunflower). Not one kitchen can
do without this product, as well as the production of various products. We offer packing types:
5 l, 10 l, 1000 l (flexi tank).

Seasonings and spices – since ancient times, in any dish and product, all the peoples around the
world have used spices and seasonings for a more appetizing taste and smell of cooked food.
From spicy herbs to aromatic onions – our company will help you in choosing the right product.

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